progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing towards what will be

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i quit my job?

yes, i did. i don't know why i asked, i knew the answer.

I'm pretty blissfully unemployed.

there is now substantially less on my plate, but I'm not changing the header cause I'm stubborn.

although I've still got
learning Spanish
and sleeping

so I'm not like, bored unemployed. although i do miss work.

the boyfriend comes home for the summer in like, three weeks. can't wait

i bought a really awesome old fashioned picnic basket and shall pack him picnics all summer long. it'll be adorable.

i bought it in a basket store in Chelsea Market. I've been looking for a Wizard of Oz style picnic basket for almost a year. I'm glad it finally occurred to me to look in an effing basket store.

also amusing, i was the only person in the basket store interested in baskets. they sold candy and chocolates and little spoons made of solidified honey for your tea. it was lovely and I'll be going back before Christmas.

aaaand i just took my serve safe liquor certification test. I'm almost sure i passed and will have a new line to add to my resume in about a week.

I'm probably gonna run this town.

just saying.

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