progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing towards what will be

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

lemon curd tarts

if i said these were my favorite things to bake, it would be an understatement. they frequently inspire me to burst out in song.

the crust is pate sablee.
8 ounces butter
4 ounces sugar
1 egg
12 ounces cake flour

the dough is creaming method, so "cream" the butter until it's soft, then add the sugar. for accomplishing this, you have two options; one is a stand mixer, the other is getting sweaty.

add the egg after the sugar and butter have been completely combined. wait, and then begin to add the flour. the last bit of flour is always stubborn and is always easier to work in with your hands.

bake your pie or tart shells (without the filling! or ohmygoosh, you'd have such a mess!) at 350 F. bigger crusts will take longer but they will be golden when they are done

(use baking weights, or baking beans to hold the crust down. if you don't you'll get big bubbles)

my mother, who hates making pie crusts, was driven to profanity when she saw how quickly i made these.

her forgiveness and her first bite were simultaneous.

the filling is lemon curd
6 tbsp fresh melon juice
2 tbsp butter
the zest of one lemon (which i leave out cause i don't like chunks)
2/3 cup sugar
2 tbsp cornstarch
a pinch of salt
1 egg and one additional egg yolk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

in a sauce pan, combine the lemon juice, butter and maybe some zest if you feel like it. (i never feel like it because i dislike chunks) keep everything over a low flame until the butter is melted.m

combine the dry ingredients separately (salt, sugar, cornstarch)
add the eggs to the dry ingredients, mix well, then add the hot lemon juice
return the whole batch to the heat and cook until it's thick and bubbly
(5-8 minutes)
you want the eggs to cook, but if you don't stir constantly they'll scorch
when it's all done, stir in the vanilla, cool and fill your pie shells... or perhaps just a spoon.

mine are dusted with powdered sugar, just 'cause.

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